Work smarter, not harder

Is there an easier way to build new habits?

Setting goals is easy but achieving them is hard. Why is this the case? Well, it’s all about reward.
James Hewitt

why consistency is king & motivation is over-rated

Find out why consistency is one of the greatest performance enhancers, in both sport and business, and discover five ways that you can improve
James Hewitt

Calculating the ROI of corporate wellbeing

I’ve spent over ten years working in corporate wellbeing, and the same question comes up again, and again: “How do we measure return on
James Hewitt

Why we need digital grammar

We are accelerating into the age of ‘connected everything’. There are almost three million apps in one of the world’s leading app stores, many
James Hewitt

5 steps to improve your focus

Sometimes, I dream of being able to focus on one thing and complete a single task before I move on to something else. The
James Hewitt

Why music can help or harm cognitive performance

Find out more about the science of music, cognitive performance and productivity, to help you decide the best way to boost your output and
James Hewitt

Knowledge work is an endurance activity

Have you ever thought about planning your effort, and the type and timing of your cognitive activities, to optimise your wellbeing and performance? As
James Hewitt

What type of break is the most effective?

Some workplaces actively encourage employees to take breaks during the day as a way to re-charge, improve their wellbeing and their performance, as evidenced
James Hewitt

5 ways to focus when working from home

Whether you’ve been working from home for years, or have only recently started remote working, here are five ways that you can improve your
James Hewitt

5 ways to set better goals

Most of us have set a goal at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, too often, we get distracted, something gets in our way,
James Hewitt